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How a Jewish clan accepted Islam

How a Jewish clan accepted Islam
How a Jewish clan accepted Islam?
After the successful surprise attack and In line with Arab custom of the times, the Prophet (p) asked for the hand in marriage of the captive daughter of the leader of Banu Mustaliq. This gesture was customarily understood to be a sign of complete forgiveness and an extension of magnanimity to the conquered tribe. It implied that the conquered and humiliated leadership of the enemy, who are now captives, has been accommodated into the membership of the household of the victor as equals. It was a major offer towards permanent peace and reconciliation. Barrah, daughter of al-Harith, Chief of Banu Mustaliq, accepted to marry the Prophet (p). She was later known as Juwayriyyah.
When the Muslims realized what the Prophet (p) had done, they found it difficult to regard the captives of Banu Mustaliq as their slaves since they were now considered relatives and members of the household of the Prophet (p). They set them all free, and upon regaining their freedom, the entire tribe of Mustaliq, including the chief al-Harith who masterminded the attack against the Muslims in the first place, all accepted Islam.
For more on the invasion of Banu Mustaliq, see: Adil Salahi, Muhammad, Man and Prophet: A Complete Study of the Life of the Prophet of Islam, The Islamic Foundation, Markfield, UK, 2002, pp. 403-407.
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