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Getting to Know the Qur'an

<br><br><br><br>Getting to Know the Qur'an

This book is meant to serve as a bridge leading to regular reading and
understanding of the meaning of the Qur’an, for those who do not speak Arabic.

One may ask “Why not use a complete translated Qur’an?”
For some ?uent and well-educated adults this may be the ideal way of
familiariza on with the teachings of the Qur’an. The Surahs are there in full, in
their tradi onal order, with the linking passages joining one topic to the next.
However, we should also recognize that in spite of the ready availability of
translated Qur’ans, most young people do not have them, and if they have access
to them they o en do not read them from cover to cover. This may be because of
the length or because in the course of reading they encounter passages they do
not understand, which discourages them from going further than the ?rst few
The disturbing result of this is that millions of Muslims do not know the
message of the Qur’an in its own words. They only know what they are told the
Qur’an says by leaders who may or may not be learned. Unfortunately some
religious scholars who are not deep in their understanding of the Qur’an tend to
mix their local tradi ons and interpreta ons with Islamic teachings, and thereby
distort or even contradict the straigh orward Qur’anic message.
Therefore many Muslims are confused or ignorant about the Qur’anic
message. This book makes it easy for them to read for themselves what the Qur’an
says on numerous issues by drawing out many key passages for the reader to
re?ect on. Other passages are chosen for their beauty and majesty and their
impact on the human spirit.