Brave-Tan Articles

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of courtesy, good neighbourliness, reciprocity in kindness and magnanimity. While Muslims and non-Muslims may exchange gifts, greetings and pleasantries, Muslim scholars, however, have an issue with greetings that are specific to religious festivities, especially if…

People Exempted from Fasting Fasting is obligatory on adult Muslims from dawn to sunset during Ramadan, during which time they are forbidden to eat, drink or indulge in marital relations. In the verses of fasting Allah Ta’ala says that He…

Fair and equal principles should be used in evaluating any religion.  Otherwise, associating only Islam with violence is historically inaccurate in comparison to the record of some other faiths. Christians, for example, fought each other for centuries in Europe, and…

Some Muslims and non-Muslims have concluded that the concept of jihad in Islamic teachings is identical with the originally Christian concept of “Holy War” – unprovoked and violent aggression against people of other faiths simply because of intolerance to religious…


Some have tried to argue that engaging in military warfare is an individual obligation (fardu ‘ayn) on all Muslims and in no need of getting the permission of a legitimate leader or head of state, in the same way as…

Muslim scholars use the term jihad to refer to various forms, levels and categorizations of enjoining right, forbidding wrong and striving in Allah’s cause (fi sabilillah) as used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. They have therefore come up with various…