Brave-Tan Articles

Select Category Shari’ah Intelligence Use, Misuse and Abuse of Jihad in Islam Relations with Non-Muslims Western Education Obligation or Prohibition Al-Ameen Shariah Intelligence Shari’ah Intelligence English Language View All Videos Shari’ah Intelligence Arabic Language View All Videos Shari’ah Intelligence French…

“Jihad” (from the verb “jahada”) on its own simply means “to struggle”, “to exert effort”, “to exert oneself”, “to toil” or “to strive”. Jihad simply means to strive hard or struggle in pursuit of a just and goodly cause in…

Some people regard the involvement of Muslims in various forms of warfare, conquests, violence, aggression, and terrorism as demonstrating that the concept of Jihad in Islam, by its very nature, undermines peaceful co-existence between Muslims and people of other faiths,…

Some people have questioned the promise of Allah in the Qur’an that those who are killed while engaged in military jihad (i.e. fighting in the cause of defending Islam, justice or resistance against evil and aggression) will go to Paradise….

Just as the word “crusade” may mean many things depending on the context in which it is used, so also does the Arabic word “Jihad” have many meanings depending on the context in which it is used. However, unlike “crusade”,…